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What Is Lortab?

Lortab is an opioid pain reliever that is also called a narcotic analgesic that induces insensibility to pain. It is a combination medication of Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone that is commonly used to treat severe pain that requires opioid analgesics and when other pain medications are ineffective or cannot be tolerated.

Hydrocodone is a powerful pain reliever that helps to immediately relieve pain, whereas acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that helps to increase the effects of Hydrocodone.

This medication cannot be sold or distributed without an authorized license as it does not comply with the safe-to-use regulation of the FDA (food and drug administration).

Are you suffering from severe pain for a long time? Then, Health Compounds is a one-stop solution for all your health needs and requirements. To buy Lortab online at a flat 25% discount, click here, and get express delivery of medicines hassle-free to your doorstep.

Warnings And Precautions

You must remember these warnings and precautions in order to prevent any side effects, drug interaction, or withdrawal symptoms and to prevent abuse, misuse, and addiction to this medication.

You must read the instructions given on your prescription list and use the dosage as prescribed by your doctor.

Avoid making these mistakes while using this medication –

  • Avoid drinking alcohol or using any other substance, such as (drugs or heroin).
  • Do not use or combine any other opioid medication while using this medication.

Otherwise, it may lead to severe drug interactions that can be fatal to your health.

  • Do not use any opioid medication if you are suffering from kidney or liver problems.
  • Include dietary fibers in your meal, and drink enough water to prevent constipation.
  • Pregnant women should avoid using narcotic analgesics, as they can prove to be life-threatening to the baby.

Uses Of Adipex

This medication is used in the treatment and management of severe pain when other opioid and non-opioid pain medications fail to work or are ineffective on the pain.

Tell your healthcare provider if the pain does go away, if it gets worse, or if you are experiencing a different or new pain. Your doctor may adjust or increase the dose to increase its effectiveness in treating the pain.

Hydrocodone works on the brain to change the way your body responds to pain, whereas acetaminophen helps in enhancing the effects of hydrocodone. These medications, when combined together, help in blocking the pain signal of the brain, inducing an insensibility to pain.

You can use this medication with or without food, but if it upsets your stomach, you must take it with food or after having a meal or snacks.

These medications are not recommended to be used without consulting a doctor or having a prescription, as it is not safe to use when used in inadequate amounts and avoid using it more often than advised by your doctor.

Side Effects And Risks

Not everyone using this medication experiences side effects, but those who are suffering from multiple health conditions are at higher risk of experiencing certain severe side effects of this medication.

Some Common Side Effects Caused By Lortab Are:

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Sleepiness
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

Serious Side Effects Caused By Lortab Are:

  • Tiredness
  • Confusion
  • Dependency
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Lack of appetite
  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Hives
  • Swelling on the face, lips, or tongue

Contact a doctor if you experience any of the side effects while using this medication. If the symptoms are left untreated, it may get worse or cause any serious health issues.

If you forget to take a dose of this medication, then take it as soon as you remember, but if it’s late, then skip it and avoid repeating or taking two doses at a time to prevent any unintentional overdose of this medication.

Excessive use or overdose of these medications may slow or stop your breathing, leading to death. Using it regularly for a prolonged period can affect your liver, leading to severe liver damage.

How and When to Take It?

The dose of Lortab will be determined by your doctor or healthcare provider after examining your health conditions and according to the intensity of the pain. Do not adjust or increase the dose of this medication unless it is recommended by your doctor. Otherwise, it can be fatal to your health.

Oral Solution For Moderate To Severe Pain

  • For adults, 15ml or one tablespoonful should be used every 4 – 6 hours as needed.
  • Your doctor may increase your dose later depending on how well it has controlled the pain. The dose should not exceed the maximum dosage of six tablespoons in a day.

Oral Dosage Form:

  • For adults, the recommended dose is 4 – 6 hours as needed. Your doctor may adjust or increase your dose based on its response. However, the dose should not exceed more than six tablets a day.

For Children Of (14 Years of Age) – 2 ¼ tablespoons for every 4 – 6 hours.

For Children Of (10 – 13 years) – 1 ½ tablespoons for every 4 – 6 hours.

For Children (7 – 9 years) – one tablespoon is used every 4 – 6 hours.

For Children Of (4 – 6 Years) – ¾ tablespoons for every 4 – 6 hours.

For Children Of (2 – 3 Years) – ½ tablespoon for every 4 – 6 hours.

What Should I Tell My Healthcare Provider Before Using Lortab?

While consulting your doctor, be honest and talk about your existing health conditions, if you have any severe disease or have any history of kidney or liver problems, to get the best dose and recommendations according to your health needs.

You must tell your doctor if you have any of these health conditions, such as –

  • Kidney, liver or lung disease
  • Severe breathing conditions
  • Trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, or a nursing mother
  • 65 years or older than that
  • Suffering from multiple health conditions
  • And, if you are using Opioid medication for the first time


It is not recommended to share this medication with others, especially those who are 65 years or older, suffering from multiple health problems, and those who have any kidney or liver disease.

Remember to use this medication only on a doctor’s prescription. Otherwise, it may lead to any severe health condition that may prove to be life-threatening to your health. Avoid using Lortab on a regular basis for a prolonged period of time, as it can make you habitual to it, leading to addiction over time.

If you have been suffering from moderate to severe pain for a long time? Then, visit Health Compounds to purchase Lortab online, wishlist it, add it to your cart, and use coupon code – Compound25 on the checkout page to get an instant 25% discount, and pay through multiple payment methods for safe and secure transactions. 

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